There are 50 apples in a bag of which 98% are green and the rest red. (2024)

There are 50 apples in a bag of which 98% are green and the rest red. (1)



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There are 50 apples in a bag of which 98% are green and the rest red.[#permalink]31 Jul 2024, 11:00



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­There are 50 apples in a bag of which 98% are green and the rest red. How many green apples do you need to remove so that only 96% of the apples are green?

A. 2
B. 8
C. 15
D. 20
E. 25

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There are 50 apples in a bag of which 98% are green and the rest red. (18)




There are 50 apples in a bag of which 98% are green and the rest red. (19)

Joined: 26 Aug 2023

Posts: 91

Re: There are 50 apples in a bag of which 98% are green and the rest red.[#permalink]31 Jul 2024, 20:09

Currently there are 49 green and 1 red
Remove 25 then 24 green and 1 red
24green/25 total = 96%

There are 50 apples in a bag of which 98% are green and the rest red. (24)




There are 50 apples in a bag of which 98% are green and the rest red. (25)

Joined: 12 May 2024

Posts: 27

Location: India

Re: There are 50 apples in a bag of which 98% are green and the rest red.[#permalink]31 Jul 2024, 20:13

49-x/ 50-x = 96/100

4900-100x = 4800-96x

100 = 4x
X = 25
And should be E

Posted from my mobile device

There are 50 apples in a bag of which 98% are green and the rest red. (27)


Re: There are 50 apples in a bag of which 98% are green and the rest red.[#permalink]

31 Jul 2024, 20:13

There are 50 apples in a bag of which 98% are green and the rest red. (2024)


What is the number of apples left out of 50 apples 20 were eaten and 20 of the remaining were rotten? ›

Instant Answer

First, we find the number of apples eaten: 50 * 0.20 = 10 apples. Now, we have 50 - 10 = 40 apples remaining. Next, we find the number of rotten apples: 40 * 0.20 = 8 apples. Finally, we subtract the rotten apples from the remaining apples: 40 - 8 = 32 apples.

Are more apples red or green? ›

(3.) There are more varieties of red apples than there are for green apples. (We're talking about what you can find in a grocery store.)

Are red apples usually sweeter than green apples? ›

Red apples, like Red Delicious, have higher levels of antioxidants and sugar, making them sweeter and slightly higher in calories. Green apples, such as Granny Smith, have lower sugar content, making them less sweet and lower in calories, but they are higher in fiber and have a tart flavor.

Had some apples he sells 40% of them and still has 420 apples find the number of apples he had originally? ›

⇒ x=(420×10060)=700. A fruit seller had some apples. He sells 40% apples and still has 420 apples. How many apples did he have originally ?

What percentage of 16 of 200 apples were bad? ›

Answer and Explanation:

16 is 8% of 200.

Which apple is sweeter, green or red? ›

Green apples are sour in taste and have thick skin, which make them crispier. Red apples, on the other hand are sweet, juicy and have thin skin. It is due to their sweetness, people prefer red apples over green ones.

Do green apples and red apples taste the same? ›

Green apples are sour in taste and have thick skin, which makes them crispier. Red apples, on the other hand, are sweet, juicy, and have thin skin.

Are green apples less ripe than red? ›

In addition to flavor, look for apples with red and yellow skin. The red is the “over color” and the yellow is called the “background color.” If the background color is green instead of yellow, it is not ripe. A yellow background color is one indicator that the fruit may be ripe or nearly ripe.

What is the total number of apples in the basket 12 of them are rotten and 66 are in good condition? ›

of good apples. $\therefore$ The total no. of apples will be $75$.

In what year were about 20 pounds of apples consumed per person? ›

Answer. Final answer: To find the year when about 20 pounds of apples were consumed per person, solve the equation y = √22x+275 for x when y = 20. The answer is 1993.

How many pounds of apples to feed 50 people? ›

How to use this food quantity chart:
Food TypeApproximate Amount for 50 Servings
Fruits, served as side dish or salad, cut up, most varieties, apples, grapes, melons, berries, bananasFresh 10-15 lbs In total Ex. 2-3 pounds each of 5-6 types of fruit
Canned Most varieties 18-20 cups (8-10 14.5-15 oz cans, drained
94 more rows

What is the percentage of 5 oranges out of 25 fruits 1? ›

Answer: Total fruits = 25. Number of oranges = 5. Percentage of oranges = 5/25 * 100 = 100 / 5 = 20 %.


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